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Virtual Presentation Workshop Where I’ll Show You ...

How To Banish Negative Thoughts And Create Inner-Peace AND Stop Catastrophising, Self-Criticism And The Imposter Syndrome... Even If You've Tried Everything.

Your Host:


Creator, Limitless Mindâ„¢ Method

Webinar Date:



7:00 PM

UK Time

What's on this 2-hour, live webinar:

  • The simple method that cuts through unconscious resistance and transforms a negative, self-critical voice into your own personal cheerleader. Works even for the most lifelong negative thinkers who've had nothing but trauma and disaster.
  • How to quit self-sabotage, procrastination and the imposter syndrome by using my PARTS method to unleash a torrent of 'feels-good' motivation and build bulletproof confidence, fast.
  • Everything you need to escape from anxiety and depression without having to spend all day meditating, popping pills or reciting endless affirmations that never quite seem to stick.

Time left until registration closes:


Places on the live webinar are limited! Reserve your seat now and join me live to experience the 100% new method that will finally set you free from the prison of your negative mind...

About your host, Lotus

Lotus is a dedicated hypnotherapist specializing in anxiety, with extensive experience working one-on-one with over 1,000 clients. His practice focuses on helping individuals achieve emotional freedom, inner calm, and mental resilience.

Drawing from years of expertise, he has authored the book How to Rule Your Mind, which offers practical insights into mastering thoughts and emotions.

 Lotus is passionate about guiding others toward personal empowerment, using tailored hypnotherapy techniques to help clients overcome challenges and live more fulfilling lives. His compassionate approach has made him a trusted expert in the field of anxiety management.

Proof that this method stops all forms of negative thinking

Salma Improved Her Self-Image

"Through working with that voice in my head, and the therapy that we've done, I actually see a much more positive image when I look in the mirror.  Rather than constantly worrying about whether people are judging me based on how I look, it’s increased my confidence massively."


Jamie Had Tried Everything

"I'd tried everything I thought I could possibly do...  I'd gone through medication, CBT, psychiatry, psychology, read all the books you could imagine. Everything had side effects or made me feel worse. But hypnotherapy has had the most dramatic effect on my anxiety. Hypnosis works - it really does work. I'd recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone."


Katharine Quit Antidepressants

"I don't feel like I need to take antidepressants to make myself feel better any more. I've lost weight and feel more confident about myself.  It's extraordinary how much better I feel not being on them. I thought they were my crutch and the thing that drove me but I don't think that any more. In fact, I think they are quite destructive in many ways."


Leila Beat The "Inner Demons"

"I’d tried numerous different talking therapies and felt that none of them helped.  I felt angry and frustrated and like nothing would work for me.   Hypnotherapy has freed me from constant negativity and I’m already feeling the effects in terms of how I’m sleeping and eating.  Everything seems to be better."


Andy Stopped Catastrophising

"I'm more positive and don't take things so personally now. I always used to jump to the worst possible conclusion but I'm more measured now and I don't go to that negative place. I feel like I have choice now and I don't need to be a passenger in life. I'm more present and can really play with my 4 year old son now, rather than just going through a process with him."


Ivanka Escaped Panic Attacks

"Right after the session I felt so at peace for the first time in months. I felt so relieved - so free and at peace with myself. It was such a change. Now I find myself living more in the moment and having fun with what I do. I don't take things so seriously now. I don't feel trapped in anxiety. I've become less judgmental and don't get depressed when things don't meet my expectations."


Stephen Is More Confident

"A lot of the hatred and bile has gone now. I feel like a nicer human being and I can get on with the rest of my life now. I feel more confident but also I feel more relaxed and empowered to fulfil my potential.  It's amazing how easy and simple it was, especially given the enormity of the change that happened in such a short space of time!"


Annabel Had Stopped Leaving The House

"I'd suffered from panic attacks for a very long time. I'd stopped travelling on trains, going to dinner parties. I had even stopped answering the phone or even going out of the house because of it. But now I'm enjoying going to dinner parties, travelling and having a more normal life - I'm not so anxious all the time."


Susan 40 Years of 'Anorexia' - GONE.

"My life was quite miserable - I was the anorexic one who couldn't eat with people. But after 3 or 4 sessions I didn't need to throw up any more and I felt motivated to eat. I'm more adventurous now, I have more energy and feel more like a real person. My confidence has grown with my family and I'm in a relationship now (which I never thought I could do). I don't feel like I have to just exist now, I can actually do what I want to do now."


Katie Beat Fear of Flying

"Flying is a positive experience now. Even when there's turbulence, I'm not scared now so I can say "yes" to a lot more things that I used to say "no" to.  I thought that I was just going to have to live with fear but now I have techniques to deal fear that I can actually use on a daily basis and I'm getting better each day. I don't feel like everything is against me any more."
